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A poem untitled along with some artwork.

Got to love technical problems so I'll put my blog graphic here incase it doesn't upload right.

Here is a poem that I started in an old journal but I didn't date it. So I going to share the original then I'm going to share the entire poem with what I added to it on May 5, 2020. I hope you enjoy this free verse style poem along with some neat artwork. "A poem I wrote" Before I finished it. You're greatest strength is in being vulnerable today. Let your defences down. Stop hiding, especially from yourself. Have a sense of unconditional self love and compassion towards youself feel your feeling completely and honestly. * This is what I found in an old journal so I decided to take it out and rewrite it into my new journal but then I got inspired to write more and add to it.* So now here is the finished poem still not sure of its name but maybe their a reason for that. "A poem I wrote" After I finished it. You're greatest strength is in being vulnerable today. Let your defences down. Stop hiding, especially from yourself. Have a sense of unconditional self love and compassion towards youself feel your feeling completely and honestly. In this crazy hectic time no one benefits from seeing a mask you wear to hide yourself. No one especially yourself can heal this way. Remember in times of darkness you can be your own life. Self love comes when you remember to keep your mental health I'm check. So acknowledge you're emotions and be stronger than ever before.

Now for some project updates:

1.) I finished chapter four of my memoir.

2.) I am working on a trailer of all the updates of my memoir so far.

My goal is to grow my email list to at least ten people before the end of May.

If you haven't yet please follow me on my social medias and my website:





Xoxo, MariesArtEST2017

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