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Coffee chat time with an artist, mom, entrepreneur.

Let’s chat this last week of February and let me do a couple of story times. I will talk about a book I'm reading and loving. Being an artist in the pandemic and trying to keep my business alive. Being a mom and all of it stress when you have mental health.

In no particular order I am going to talk about these three topics.

The last couple of days I've been in a mood swing frenzy and my bipolar had me on the emotional roller coaster. I had emotions such as inerrable, annoyed, motived (coffee help me lol). Being a mom and having mental health is hard somedays. With being inerrable, annoyed I just want to be left alone but then I remember I have a little person who depends on me. So, I find something for us to do together. Today on Sunday when I am writing this post, we went outside I hit softballs and he picked them up. I used to play softball in high school.

Being an artist in the pandemic and trying to keep my business alive. To be really honest there been a decline in my art sales. But hopefully that picks up soon and I get a couple of sales. I am planning to do a shop update soon like on March 4th where all new products will be posted. Starting today I am going to discount certain products.

A book I started reading today that been on my book list for a while is so awesome to read. It’s a poetry book it's only 50 pages long. It's a quick read and also helps me working on my reading goal of 10 poerty books of my 45-book goal. My passions are art, writing, and reading this book combines those three elements in one book. The best part its only $5 to buy on amazon here the link:

Want to get more from me follow me on social media and my website:





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