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How I deal with anxiety and depression.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed professional. I am someone who has mental health and tries to help others with their mental health by getting tips I use myself.

This Is the hardest blog post for me to write because I am in a simi dark place right now. My uncle passed away on Sunday April 10th, 2022. So, I am sorry if this Is a short post but I am trying to inspire other in my pain for my aunt.

I going to share a post I posted to my social media today when I writing this blog post on Tuesday and this is going up today because I have to work tomorrow at my nine to five.

#endthestigma I take medicine but it helps me to keep depression away. It not for everyone but for those of us who have to shouldn't be ashamed about it.

Photo credit: Things that I often do to keep myself in good spirts and out of depression. I am going to list a few things I do to get out of depression. I hope they help you.

1.) I make art or do a coloring page. (If you followed me for a while, you know that I along with mental health blogs I am and artist. I use art to help me cope.)

2.) I read a book. If you do not like to read but weather listen to something, try an audio book or podcast.

3.) Play video games or watch my favorite show.

Book I am currently read: Favorite podcast is: Now let’s chat about why I have anxiety right now. I started a new nine to five job and it’s been an anxious time learning a whole new restaurant and all the different thing that I have to do. I have been kind of half trained by my main manger but other managers have been picking up the slack so I am learning more and more. I am currently still selling my art work part time. But the bills have to be paid. Enough about my current life situations. Some of the artwork that I have made for easter is going to be posted here:

Here are three poem

No title Only a few can accept me for me! I feel like if you do not care then goodbye. I was in a dark place when I wrote this, and I have grown up but still I don't have the patience or time for fake people. Find some company I want to find some sweet company. I do not want people to judge me anymore. I just want to be loved for me. Do not fight with me when I say what is on my mind. Do not judge me when I say that he means so much I cannot explain. I do not tell him I love him and another man. I want to only love him. But it is not that easy to do. I am working toward what god has invested in me to be. God has this wonderful plan for me. Poem 1 is called "Mind Spell" Alone and afraid, scared, bruised, beaten. When the gut-wrenching pain is happing, I feel like screaming. He makes me feel dead inside and live on the exterior. Tears roll down my beaten face. Running driving anything to getaway. Escaping the memories, the pain lasts all over again damn you PTSD. Feeling alone in the misery that's called life. Want to get more from me follow me on social media and my website: Website: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: My memoir:

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