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Thoughts of summer time!

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

If your like me reading a book is one of your favorite things to do especially during the summer time next to a pool or the beach. I'm doing art for 3 years now. the one thing I have learned is that during the summer time I tend to draw really beautiful flowers.

With that being said this summer I am going to challenge myself cheer draw at least one flower a day for 30 days. these flower drawings will be posted both to my Facebook and to my Instagram.

I am also planning to do some paintings of flowers and those will be made into videos as I kind of log the step by step process. leave a comment at the end of this blog post if you enjoy seeing my videos that I've made of step-by-step processes.

I started to draw sunflowers last week and no I'm not good at them yet but this photo has inspired me to try again.

In 2018 I started to draw a rose and once I drew that first rose I wanted to draw more and more. So throughout 2018 I began to draw roses throughout the year. If you'd like to see a time-lapse video of my roses from the first rose to the most current rose click this link (instert rose video link).

For 2019 I began to draw a lotus flowers and do the same thing that I did with the roses from 2018. The concept of lotus flowers have been very inspirational also allowing me to realize that we don't always have to struggle through the dark times. That sometimes we just have to go through the muck to come to the surface and blossom.

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Sincerely, MariesArtEST2017

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