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Updates going on with MariesArtEST2017

Hello to all so this is blog post number somewhere in the 60's. I'm going to do a run down of all my business updates and things going on. I feel it's a good way to start July off.

Life updates first:

1.) I am doing another semester of college.

2.) When this comes out on Thursday I will be married to my best friend.

Business updates:

1.) I'm working on looking for a new website host platform.

2.) I think the eBay shop going to go.

3.) I have started using my kindle for digital drawings. Planning to make coloring pages for sell and for other things.

I also want to talk about why I started back planning my bullet journal a month in advance and release each week on sunday. It one helps with video content.

Secondly, It also allows me to be more organized and less stressed out. I also have more time to draw things to go in each weeks spread. It helps with building stronger habits.

What are limitations in your art process?

Answer: Some of the limitations are that I'm a mom and a college student. Having a almost two year old makes it hard to do huge projects like painting. But over time I've learned to manage my time better and be able to do paintings.

Three things art has helped me do since I started in 2017.

1.) It's allowed me to have a creative healthy coping mechiecism.

2.) It changed my college major because I want to own my business.

3.) I want to teach art thearpy classes in the future.

I got some stylus pens last week and I've been drawing on my kindle with them. I going to show what I done. I been using hand templete to practice with as well. I have distinguish mine from the orginal.

I will also put Pinterest link here: ) I wasn't able to find the link but it was in Pinterest.

Since I been doing hands in 2020 it's been a challenging task but worth it.

Each hand I drawn I a difernt pose helps me improve. I will be doing a video soon with all the hands I've drawn.

If you haven't yet please followed me on my social medias and subscribe to my website:





Xoxo, MariesArtEST2017

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